I know everything I know

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dixie-Narco Dinner - Dec 2005

The Dixie-Narco group had dinner again last night. This time around we met up at Mi Rancho’s over on the North side so that I could make it on time.

Several people showed up. The food was good. We had the regular chit-chat. Well actually…let me rephrase that. *I* had the regular chit-chat. See, I think I have a problem. I think maybe…just maybe…I talk too much. It’s actually quite possible that I may like hearing myself talk so much that I don’t let anyone else get a word in edge wise.

Why would I think such a hideous thing might be possible? Because I don’t think anyone who was sitting near me tonight got to speak for more than two or three minutes. I mean two or three minutes the entire night. Unfortunately I’m not exaggerating.

I started talking shortly after we say down and I didn’t stop until we were back in the parking lot.

This is something I will have to add to my list: I talk to much. Must learn to listen more. Talk less.

In any case, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Although, they did all suggest we get a round table for the next dinner so that everyone has a chance to join in the conversation. I think they might have noticed I had a problem. I just hope they invite me next time. I like keeping in touch with them. Somewhere along the last couple of years, I’ve apparently started to like the idea of having friends again.

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