"He said You Think You're Better Than Me!"
Well Urban is now over, but everyone keeps begging me to find out what happened. So here’s the story as recently told in eMail to a former co-worker at Urban:
Well I had already had my fill of Bryan and his anti-Southern overtly racial bullshit. I mean I may not like the south, but that’s because I know it could be so much more…not because I think everyone here is the scum of the earth.
I had also had about all I was going to take of the corporate in-fighting and absolute lack of communications. Actually…the complete inability to communicate…and very little interest in doing so.
That set the stage for my trip to Philly.
I got up there and of course everything is happy happy perfect. I’m told everything I want to hear and a little more. I’m given assurances that everything is now resolved. I’m also told that I have John’s full backing and support.
What I’m not told is “You’re hired.” John had told me for the past three months that he wanted to get me up there so they could hire me. I left with only the further assurance that an offer was being put together. So needless to say, I left pretty much pissed off. I had waited three months just so I could go up there and have someone look at me and THEN say, “Oh yeah…we should hire you.” The job I’d been doing wasn’t enough. The amount of shit I’d put up with for those three months wasn’t enough. The fact that I’d already been doing the job without fail for three months straight wasn’t enough to get me the job. What was required to get the job was whether or not they liked me enough after drinking beer with me. That in my book is absolute bullshit. Of course it didn’t matter because I still left with only a promise. A promise from someone who had yet to keep a single promise that had been made.
So I came back. I was trying to put the best face on it. I figured I would actually be hired, it was just anyone’s guess when. I also felt a little better about the position since I had actually heard John say the words, “You have my full support.” I hadn’t been able to get anything like that out of him until then.
Then I went to work on Friday. Immediately received shit from Bryan…which I immediately returned to him. Then he went running to John and twisted something I had said into a complete line of BS. John then…giving me his full support…immediately called me up and jumped my shit.
Not only did he jump my ass based off the pathetic BS Bryan had spouted out…he did so without even letting me say a word in my defense. Told me he didn’t want someone like me on his team. That he didn’t need people with my attitude working for him. Continually berated me and tried to tear me down. I assume he was trying to put me in my place…which he finished off by saying I needed to watch my mouth because whether what Bryan had said was true or not…he didn’t have time to deal with it. Basically told me to walk on egg shells around Bryan and not do anything to annoy him. Tried to break my ass down and put me in my place!?? HA! Dude I was in the U.S. military for 7 years. No pale ass Brit has a chance in hell of ever BREAKING me. Just not gonna happen.
So I came home and told Ashley what happened. In typical Ashley style, she told me that she wanted me to quit and tell John to kiss my ass because we don’t take BS from anyone. So I was only doing as I was told when I sent him my resignation letter late Friday night.
I spoke with him on Saturday. You know what his excuse was…and he was full of lame ass excuses for everything I tossed his way. But you know what his excuse for jumping me on Friday was? “I was having a bad day.” Ummm…and?? Is that supposed to mean something to me? Should I care? Are you not a manager? In my book I should never know what sort of day my manager is having because it should not be conveyed to his subordinates. In my book a manager has more tact and objectivity than to let his personal problems cause him to loose an employee.
But the best part is…you know what Bryan told him I said? You know what pissed him off so bad that he felt the need to call and jump my shit after all the BS I’ve put up with from him? You know what he actually had the nerve to call me and say? “Bryan said you said you think you’re better than us.” LOL I shit you not! As the words came through the receiver…I’m pretty sure I heard the end of recess bell on the other end of the line.
I will NOT work for a company whose ethics and business sense could be bested by any bully on the middle school playground. And I’m pretty damned sure that no where in my job description does it say “Punching Bag for those Really Stressful Days”.
So that’s that. End of story.
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