Christian Exodus
“ is orchestrating the move of thousands of Christians to reacquire our Constitutional rights and, if necessary to attain these rights, dissolve our State’s bond with the union.”
Maybe you need to re-read that…I know I did the first time I came across it. This is an actual organization led by some guy from California named Cory Burnell. They just had their first annual meeting in Greenville, SC, over this past weekend.
This is a group of Christians who have taken it upon themselves to relocate to MY state, take over MY state’s government, and then, as they say, if necessary to meet their goals, secede from the union.
OK, admittedly, anyone who knows me knows I have issues with this state I live in. South Carolina is about as backward as they come in many areas. However, I have the right to work to change the state more to my liking because it’s MY state.
These guys are openly admitting that their plan is to move in outsiders in such numbers that they will be able to co-op the local, county and state government positions through election. At that point they will began passing their own laws and changing those they don’t like.
I can only say two things to this: 1) They obviously have no clue how independent we Southerners are, or how much we detest outsiders trying to manipulate us. 2) Umm…I’m pretty sure a group of people has already tried this whole secession thing once…and if I remember my history right…it didn’t work out so well for them.
You will definitely be hearing more from me on this in the near future. Take some time to check these people out though. There is an active discussion on them over at WitchVox.
These Exodus guys are a scary bunch…course not nearly as scary as I’m going to be if one of them tries to tell me *I* don’t have the right to believe and think how I want to in “THEIR” state.
Don’t make me angry Mr. Burnell…you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
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