Golden Child Gets the Job
“You SUCK!!!! Only you could quit one job and have another one lined up the next week.” That’s how Sonya responded when I eMailed her and Ryan about my job interview today.
Looks like I have the job. I won’t know for certain for about two weeks, however, I was all but told it is mine. Then again, with my apparent loss of intuition where jobs are concerned lately…anything is possible.
The position is with USCA, University of South Carolina at Aiken. It’s only about 15 minutes away. They have a very casual, blue jeans environment. Good hours. Decent pay and benefits. They allow one free class each semester and work with your schedule if you want to take additional classes during the day. They have a very well funded and supported IT department. All in all, it is exactly what I’ve been looking for. So I’ve asked that I receive the job if it’s right for me. I plan to do visualization and spellwork this weekend too…just in case.
Sonya’s response made me take another look at how these cycles seem to occur with me. Now that she mentions it…I guess it is a little odd how this sort of thing always happens. To be honest, I never really gave it a second thought before then. In fact, I just assume that sort of thing will happen…which is possibly why it always seems to happen? Could be.
Except for the major fall I took when WorldCom went bankrupt, I have never had the slightest problem where work is concerned. Each and every job I’ve ever interviewed for…and wanted…I have gotten. Any time I leave one position I find another as soon as I set my mind to do so. Finding work, like most things in my life, have always come to me with little more than the conscious decision that I want them.
This new job with USCA in fact is a perfect example. I actually applied for the position back about four months ago before I started with Urban. I had not heard a single word from them since I applied online. Then, Friday before last, I make the decision to quit Urban. The following Monday, just three days later, I came home to an eMail from the IT manager asking if I was still interested in the job.
His eMail basically said that he had somehow missed my application the first time through. Then he just happened to come across it the same day I decided to quit Urban.
Funny…but that’s just how things seem to work for me. I’m barely even aware of it these days unless someone points it out as Sonya did. Back in the day I used to refer to myself as “The Golden Child”. I wasn’t really being serious, but I’d always found it odd how easily I seemed to cruise through life.
My only concern is that I don’t want to seem cocky. Of course, the very fact that I am cocky…and naturally expect good things to happen…could be a direct cause of those good things happening. Hmmm…too deep for me today. I’ll have to give that one some thought later.
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