I know everything I know

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Frothy Sea of the Cosmos Theory

"Imagine if you will a dimension not of sight, or sound, or time, but of mind."

That phrase is the famous opening words of the Twilight Zone. It's catchy. It's quirky, and it just might be the most insightful tagline ever on TV. Now I know it wasn't up against much competition on the idiot box, so that may not be saying much. The idea behind the phrase though...oh that idea...that idea is most definitely saying a lot...a lot of cosmic proportions.

Let's do what we were asked to do for just a moment.

Imagine a dimension. This dimension is not one of a physical world, so sight, sound, even time, have no real meaning here. It's a dimension where anything is possible and everything is. There are no stars here. No planets. No trees. No people. No molecules or even atoms. In fact, in this dimension there is only an infinite, eternal, swirling, undulating foam. A sea if you will. A frothy sea, but it doesn't stretch out with a flat surface like the seas you're used to. It doesn't even stretch out in three dimensions, but it is never ending. It is everywhere. It is everything...and everything is it.

I know, that's already getting confusing. That's ok though. In fact, it's expected, because we aren't just imagining any old dimension here. We aren't even REALLY imagining a dimension at all. What we are imagining is much more than just a dimension. Much more than a mere level or form of existence. What we are seeing in our mind, is in fact the ONLY dimension. The only true existence on any level, in any way, in any form. What we are seeing in our minds...is Reality.

But hold on a minute...dont go trying to wrap your thoughts around that just yet.

Reality. The only true existence. The only thing that is...the all that is...ever will be...ever was...this reality. The every day world of solid matter and Newtonian Physics. The atoms, electrons, and sub-atomic particles of Quantum Physics. The cosmic strings, black holes, and 10 dimensions of String Theory. The angels, demons, heaven, hell, and God of monotheistic religions. The gods and goddesses, elementals, and magical energies of paganistic religions. The aura, karma, and mystical cosmic energies of new age and eastern religions. Philosophies. Dreams. Everything you think you know and everything you don't know you don't. They are all part of this Reality. This reality that truly exists in only one place...your mind.

--- more to come ---

Comments from MySpace


I hope there is more to come. At this point it appears you have not even got the tip of the iceberg yet.

Quote: "Reality. The only true existence. The only thing that is...the all that is...ever will be...ever was...this reality."

This reality in my opinion is is unphathomable.

-- This Comment was Edited for being WAY too damned long ;) --

Posted by SoulSentinal on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 10:59 PM


Well, finally my turn to post a comment! That other one just kept going and going and going...... Is that proper blog etiqutte? I mean, come on if you have that much crap to post, put it on your blog. Geez!

Anyway...... Chris, so are you saying that you know everything you know so therefore you know everything? Or could it be that because of everything that you don't know, you know nothing. So deep........

Posted by FitterHappier on Thursday, June 08, 2006 at 9:56 PM


Naturally I'm saying, "I know everything I know, therefore I know everything". That's been my tagline since I was like five.

But of course...I guess it would be more accurate to say, I know nothing, therefore I know everything. Because really...to say I know everything, would mean I really know nothing. Which then of course, I'm simply saying that I know everything I know, so therefore I know everything...which is true in a strict sense. For something to exist to me I have to know it...at least at some level...even if I'm not aware of it. So if everything that exist to me is something I know, then you could rightly say, that I know everything I know, therefore I know everything. See? That makes sense doesn't it? hehe

Posted by monkeybrains803 on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 3:27 PM

The Ultimate Awesome

so i think youre saying that all reality comes from our mind...but then that makes me wonder like how do we know what comes from our mind is real...

when i dream, if i get hurt in that dream i wake up to find that im not hurt at all...so then...what was my dream? to most people the dream i had wasnt reality because what happened in the dream did not continue after i woke up...but yet a dream comes from my mind, so it must be reality

i wonder if there are different types of dimensions...reality being what we live in everyday consciously...and non-reality being our dreams and things we cannot see or possibly detect, but exist

i saw a little bit about the string theory on GPBS or whatever that station is called and the part that interested me most was the matrix theory...the matrix theory predicts that there are 11 Dimensions

sorry to quote wiki but :)

"Matrix Theory

M-theory predicts the existence of eleven dimensions. One of these known dimensions is time. This dimension does not relate to space in the same way as do the other three known dimensions, length, depth and height. This leads to the hypothesis that the other seven less known dimensions could be related to the known four dimensions in other non-spatial ways also. Previously, string theorists suggested that these other seven dimensions were tightly compressed to account for the way they are not observable within space. But using time as an analogy allows us to perceive that these other dimensions could be powerful expansive dimensions that are woven to the physical fabric or matrix of the universe in other unseen ways"

im sure those things wont matter much to us in the long run...but you never know...im a big fan of weird stuff happening :)

i dont know if i sound stupid or not lol...i mean, i did make a D+ in physics..i suck at science

Posted by The Ultimate Awesome on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 2:43 PM


Doesn't sound stupid to me! Of course I did make a D in Physics myself. But that wasn't my fault. Like I told Mrs. Stuabbs over and over, "I like the theory, but the math just isn't right. You can't expect me to be able to do math that is just wrong."

I kicked butt on the theory. Knew it before she ever had a chance to explain it, but the math. Well...it was just flawed. Not much I could do about that.

Now dreams, I think they could be exactly what you're saying there. They could also be windows on another dimension, they could be memories accessed from some place we've stored them out in the cosmos. Or they could even be something as odd as mini-cosmos created spontaneously in our minds as we sleep that pop into existence and then fade away as we wake. When it comes right down to it, even though others may not usually experience them with us, the fact that they exist in our mind technically makes them just as real as the shared reality of experience we have in our normal physical plane of existence.

I like dreams. There is nothing cooler than learning to control your dreams. Waking up inside a dream and being able to bend it to your will...that's probably about as close to god-like as most of us will ever get in this stage of existence. Lucid Dreaming is what it's called and if you've never done it...you have to try it.

If you like the Matrix Theory, you might want to read the books "Elegant Universe" or "The Holographic Theory of the Universe". Also you might want to watch this, but it's like an hour and half long and you really need to watch it when you won't be interupted or bothered. I can't say all of it works for me, but it's awful close to my view of things in a lot of ways.

Posted by monkeybrains803 on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 3:22 PM


Well...it looks like Google got smart and removed that video. I'll have to see if I can track down another copy of it. Sorry.

Posted by monkeybrains803 on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 3:29 PM



My Theory

My theory on time is..... well, a little difficult to explain. I believe that time is not made up in layers (imagine building a wall with legos) where one layer is put down and then another on top of it, and then another. I believe that time is more like a combination of a huge rubberband and a never ending ball of yarn. The rubberband does not have a begining or an end, but it is one continuous loop. It can stretch and shorten, twist, and overlap itself to suit its present use.

Now imagine this huge rubberband being wrapped up like a ball of yarn, no specific pattern, just around and around and around...overlapping itself in random places each time it goes around. This is how I believe that seeing a ghost (or spirit or whatever you wish to call it) is possible. If I'm in 2006, and this ghost is from 1914 then how can we be in the same place at the same time? Because my place on the rubberband and his place on the rubberband have overlapped. Sometimes this may last for awhile, and sometimes it may only last a second or two, as the different places slide past each other as the band is being twisted. But who twists and stretches the band? That's where religion comes in....... and that's when this simple theory gets a bit complicated.

I guess, now I have to follow in shadoe & monkey's footsteps and post more about it on my blog!

Posted by FitterHappier on Sunday, June 18, 2006 at 11:13 AM

The Ultimate Awesome

that idea is cool, it's crossed my mind b4 too but i never looked into it anymore than that

Posted by The Ultimate Awesome on Monday, June 19, 2006 at 1:21 PM


On Dreams...

Dreams are indeed a part of reality, just as a fictional TV show is. Even though they are not a physical thing that you can hold and move and touch, they are still relevant to reality. As we've discussed above, not all of reality is a concrete thing that you can see or touch. Anything that you or I or the billions of other people in the world have ever thought or ever will think becomes a part of reality.

Now back to the dreams: Just because it hasn't happened in the present, doesn't mean that it didn't happen in the past, or won't happen in the future. If you believe in reincarnation (and I do), then couldn't dreams be a way to look into your soul's past or even a preview into the future? Could they serve as a warning of actions and consequences in this life? Here's the "BIG ONE"... Or because they don't take place in this dimension (plane or whatever) could they be a way for us to think and do in a totally different way than is possible when we're awake? Does this mean that all of life's mysteries could be answered in our dreams? Maybe.

The important thing to remember when discussing these type of things is, to think about it for yourself. Believe what YOU believe. Be opened minded and if you get "stumped" on a particular part, ask someone. There are plenty of people out there that are willing to share their ideas. Above all, trust your gut feeling and never be afraid to "call bullshit" (in your own mind, so as not to be rude) when you just don't think that something you're hearing is right for you.

Posted by FitterHappier on Sunday, June 18, 2006 at 11:52 AM

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Yes, but how many do you know that
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