Mark Morford, the near-god like editorialist from San Francisco, has done it again. Thats right kiddies! This time he has found what is sure to be the number one must have gift under the tree for this years Christmas give-fests.
"Left Behind: Eternal Forces" the real-time strategy shoot'em up from the good people at Left Behind Games, Inc.
Take hold of God's mighty weapon of wrath and destruction...the M-9 sub-machine gun. Rip the non-believers a few new prayer holes...its ok God said so. So bash a few skulls, blow off some arms and pray someone right into the grave. All in the name of the one true bad-ass God. 
You can even switch sides and take on the Christians as a member of the Anti-Christ's Global Community Peacekeepers. Oh yeah baby thats the stuff! Nothing tougher and more lethal than those U.N. rough necks in the big baby blue helmets! I know how I'm gonna be spending my Sunday mornings around Christmas time.
You have got to check this thing out. Just make sure you aren't drinking Coke at the time...that stuff burns when it comes out your nose.
Jesus Loves Machine Guns (Mark Morford):
Can Christian Video Games Compete? (ABC News):
Left Behind Games:
Comments from MySpace
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