"Evil Abstinence"?
So say there are higher beings than us. Be that those of us who have passed on. Those of us who are simply not in physical form at the moment. Those of us who have ascended. Or perhaps just beings which operate on a higher level than we do. Whether we call these things: Angels and Demons. Good and Evil gods. Elementals. Spirits. It doesn't matter.
Lets assume for a minute they are there.
If they do exist. Then would it not also make sense, assuming they have free will to do as they please, that some might choose to do negative things? It seems that for balance to be, there must be a negatively aligned being for each positively. Assuming that holds true
Then do we really want to be going around calling on them? Raising them? Conjuring them? Because whether we call them angles/demons, gods, elementals, or simply see them as a reflection of a particular aspect of our inner selves...it doesnt really matter. If they are actual beings and they decide to lead us in the wrong direction. Cause us harm. Just screw with us. That's a bad thing. A dangerous thing. Or perhaps they just don't like meat sacks and like to fuck us over every chance they get.
Taking the perspective that its possible, since the universe is infinite, that this COULD be the case. Wouldn't it make sense to at least educate those who deal in such realms to the possibility and teach them to protect themselves from such things. To actively act against such things?
Now that's what I'm saying when I say, Dont you think that they could at least exist and should be explained in Wicca?
The proceeding is from an IM chat I had with Shadoe earlier today. We were discussing my view that mainstream Wiccan practitioners don't seem to take the negative, or evil, side of the cosmos seriously. In fact, from the literature Ive read and the blogs Ive perused online, they don't even seem to acknowledge that it exists.
If it were one or two, I would say they were just fluffy bunnies and didn't know any better. The sheer number of sites and books spouting the same light and happiness happy happy butterfly view of Wicca and Witchcraft however seem to point to something more institutionalized than fringe.
While Shadoe was quick to point out that true Wicca does acknowledge the darker side of our wonderful little cosmos, she didn't allay my fears of tweenie witches conjuring spirits to help hold the rollers in place before their big junior prom night. Which leads me to ask
Does mainstream Wicca practice Evil Abstinence?
We all make fun of the Christian parents who sit little Jeremy and Sara down and say, Sex is to be left for marriage. God said so. So you should save it for marriage because it is bad not to do so. Then cry and scream and blame the world for the swelling in their daughters belly six months after they gave this little pep talk in place of signing the permission form for Sara to take part in Sex Ed classes at the local middle school.
Is mainstream Wiccan literature doing any different for its newbies?
To simply say, You should always do things in a positive way because the Rede says so? Or drum the golden rule into a newbies head. Or worse yet, to simply pretend the dark side doesn't exist, and expect that alone to protect the newcomer or child from evil energies, is preposterous, short sided, naive...hell it's a down right Christian thing to do.
We are all human. Telling someone NOT to do something is only going to make them want to do it more. Telling someone its bad and forbidden is going to make them itch just for a taste. You just cant expect any different. As long as we are in Human form, we are still in fact Human. Stupid is as Stupid does...and Humans...we're a pretty stupid lot.
So why don't mainstream books and sites and leaders include more about the dark side of the cosmos? Why don't they push their initiates and newbies to learn to defend themselves actively against such dangerous forces? Is it because, like the doe eyed Christian parent they simply think saying, don't will make someone not? In some cases, maybe. But I don't think it can be denied, that in many its simply a matter of economics.
A religion or practice devoid of any negativity is bound to sell better and be more attractive to a greater number of people. The more people who are attracted, the more books are sold. The more books sold, the more money is made.
As bad as it sounds...and as many hexes as are sure to come my way...when it comes right down to it, the thing that causes many mainstream Wiccan not to acknowledge the evil forces of the cosmos may just be the very root of it all...Money.
Money. You simply cant get more Christian than that.
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