Though I’ve noticed limited coverage and a spattering of mentions across the various media, I wonder if a very dramatic development in the balance of world power isn’t being overlooked by the major media outlets…or perhaps it’s just being ignored.
Over the past few years, and especially during the last year, socialism has had something of a quiet revival of revolution in key regions around the world. This is no more apparent than in the Americas.
In the Americas, the rolls of socialist leaning countries, who have begun positioning themselves as important world players, grows every month. Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Mexico now have all either moved strongly to the left or come under increasing leftist control with each passing day. Along with Cuba, these countries have formed strategic alliances with China, Russia, Syria, Iran and even North Korea, among others.
There can be no doubt that the alliances: economic, political, military, etc of the countries listed above, should be of major concern to the U.S. and its allies.
Consider this…Iran is already flexing the new found muscle it has been handed by the U.S. bungling of Iraq. Should it become the regional power we have now positioned it to become, our efforts toward democracy in Iraq should fail, and the resulting government align itself with Iran, what percentage of world oil reserves would be under Iran’s control? What percentage of total world oil, gas, and other energy reserves would a strategic alliance of China, Russia, a Middle East controlled by Iran, and a South/Central America dominated by a socialist alliance, control? Faced with this obvious threat, what would be the response of “The West”? Considering we are hamstringed by the UN’s apathy and indecisiveness at every turn, could we even respond in time to head-off such a chain of events? Could those we have disaffected in an effort to reign supreme soon form a coalition leading to our ultimate demise?
While I plan to present a more detailed argument for concern during the next few weeks, I wanted to point out the obvious here and solicit comments on the subject.
UPDATE 02/01/2007:
Well it looks like things are falling into place for the Coalition of the Disaffected. Recent news articles point to the continued strengthening of ties and deeper cooperation of our lesser and "former" enemies. Not to mention huge steps toward out-right socialist states in South America.
Here are just a few news articles from the past week:
JTW News - Chavez, Morales, Correa bypass U.S. in deals with Iran, China
North Korea, Iran cooperating on long-range missiles
Socialist Ideology Takes New Roots in South America
Chavez to Rule by Decree -- 01/31/2007
Diario Las Americas - In Venezuela, Hugo Chávez is the State
Upside Down World - Sandinista Government Takes Power in Nicaragua
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