The Ultra Right of Center Leftist Capitalistic Fascism view of Abortion
I was discussing Fake Crisis Pregnancy Centers with Shadoe earlier today and I realized that even those who know me pretty well don’t really understand where I stand on much of anything. Leading me to believe that no one really knows me very well. Is that because I’m elite and above the masses? Probably not. Does that mean I’m an elitist? Nope. It just means that my views don’t hold to any one historical or popular doctrine. Instead, my views and positions on issues and the world in general are most definitely a la carte.
When my widely scattered and sometime apparently contradicting views are considered with my staunch often stubborn hardnosed take on issues I can think of only one title which fits my “political stance” well: Ultra Right of Center Leftist Capitalistic Fascism. I’m sure of course that others will think of a few of their own.
To explain further I’ll cover a few examples. I’ll start with one now and add others over the next few weeks. Let’s start with the subject of Abortion…
Abortion - I believe that a woman has the right to have an abortion in all cases where the woman is deemed sound of mind and legally capable of making such a choice. However, I also believe that the existence of a right does not constitute right. By that I mean, just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean that doing so is necessarily right. So yes, a woman does and should have the ability to have an abortion is they so choose, but I don’t believe that doing so is the right thing to do. That statement is of course former fact and latter opinion. In my way of thinking, such a statement is perfectly acceptable.
Being a male obviously makes it impossible for me to fully understand the female point of view on this subject. Just further proof that males and females of the species are intrinsically different animals, different but equal animals in a perfect world. However, in thinking through this issue I have striven to take the female point of view into account as much as I am capable of.
My main concern where the choice for abortion is concerned is this: If carrying the fetus to full term and giving birth does not pose a mental or physical medical issue for the woman, then choosing to abort the fetus basically comes down to a choice of convenience or inconvenience. While I can honestly say, I would not want to be responsible for a child at this point in my life; I also realize that partaking in such activities as those which generally lead to the creation of a fetus, carry some amount of responsibility. If a person chooses to have sex, they should be prepared to accept the responsibilities which such activity might carry. Sex is great. Sex is good. Sex is not all fun and games.
This is of course assuming that the sex act which led to conception was consensual. That should go without saying I think and any law or even discussion which does not assume so is flawed from the beginning.
Let me be clear. In my view, abortion comes down to acceptance of responsibility. If a woman chooses to have sex, then any fetus which might conceivably come about as a result bears a responsibility upon that woman. If the woman has sex forced upon her however, then she should be free from actual responsibility and the choice becomes purely that…a choice. If in either case the woman then logically weighs the responsibility between protection of her own being, which must come first, and that of the potential child, which must necessarily come second, she should come to a logical conclusion…to bring the child to full term or abort.
Notice that I said “bring the child to full term”, not to “raise the child”. I am a strong proponent of adoption.
If the choice to have sex results in conception, in my view, it is the least a mother can do to carry the child to full term and allow it a chance at life. If that life is to be with her or another matters little at this point. There is no shortage of happy, loving, stable couples out there vying for the chance to raise a child.
So then, my view on abortion in short is this: to choose to have sex, then to choose simply out of convenience to abort a child instead of giving it a chance at life with loving parents, is a deprived selfish act…it is however also a right. It is a right for which I am willing to fight because all choice ultimately comes down to freedom. Freedom is something which must always be defended.