Harry Potter - Year Six
Finally caught up on Harry Potter. Ashley got me the latest book for Christmas. Now of course that means I have to wait along with everyone else until JK gets the last book out…which sucks ass! I don’t like having to wait. I’d been lucky until now. Since I only started reading the series in September, I didn’t really have to wait between books. Now though it’s looking like an entire year or more.
I was just chatting with April and she heard in the news today that JK only starting writing the new book today! That should be illegal! It’s cruel and unusual (or at least it should be)! I don’t want to have to wait!
So we came up with a plan. We are going to fly over to England. Locate JK and staple her to her computer, with no internet access, until she finishes the thing.
Making me wait a year! I think not! Now where’s my Swingline?